Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals Assessment Failed: How Can You Fix It?

To fix the core web vitals assessment: failed issue, you need to identify the core web vitals issues. According to that, this can be achieved by optimizing your LCP, INP, and CLS performances. Optimization techniques such as Image optimization, lazy loading, browser caching, CSS, and JavaScript optimization can be used to fix the core web […]

Exploring The 15 Best Google Fonts for Enhancing Your User Experience

Among approximately 1500 Google fonts, choosing the best Google fonts for your WordPress website could be a daunting aesthetic choice. But fonts do more than just enhance the aesthetics of your website, web fonts can have a huge impact on your PageSpeed score & Core Web Vitals too. Hence spending some time to research the […]

Google Pagespeed Insights: The Ultimate Guide To Boost Your Pagespeed With The 7 Most Powerful Strategies

Are you struggling with a low pagespeed insights score?  A low pagespeed score often leads to poor user experience which in turn results in a low conversion rate & lower SEO rankings. Don’t worry! You are not alone. A lot of website owners are struggling to improve their pagespeed insights score. Let’s discuss the pagespeed […]

Optimizing Your Core Web Vitals To Increase Your User Experience & SEO Rankings

The first step in optimizing your core web vitals performance is to measure and identify the core web vitals issues. Once the issues are identified, you can easily mitigate them by following optimization techniques like image optimization to improve LCP, JavaScript optimization to boost your INP, and visual stability optimization to enhance CLS performance. The […]

The 3 Most Powerful Ways to Boost Speed Index in Pagespeed Insights and Enhance Your User Experience

Speed Index (SI) is one of the key performance metrics that Google PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse consider to grade your website. If you are doing poorly in Pagespeed Score, SI is one of the reasons. You don’t need to worry! Many website owners are struggling with this poor speed index score. Let’s discuss the 3 […]

Understanding Time to First Byte (TTFB): Key Metrics for Website Success

The TTFB (Time to First Byte) is a website’s performance indicator that substantially impacts a website’s pagespeed performance, user experience as well as SEO rankings. While performing a website pagespeed test, you have come across the term TTFB (Total to First Byte).  But what is TTFB, and why is it important? Today we are going […]

What is INP? 5 Tips to Optimize Interaction to Next Paint for a Better User Experience

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a new performance metric for  Core Web Vitals, launched by Google in March 2024. In the coming days, INP will replace the First Input Delay (FID). Let’s understand, what is this INP, and why is it important. Here, we will discuss Interaction to Next Paint in detail and learn […]

What Is The First Input Delay And 3 Ways To Optimize It To Pass The Core Web Vitals Assessment?

First Input delay (FID) is an essential performance metric that Google uses to measure a website’s PageSpeed performance.  When it comes to a website’s success, delivering a fast-loading website is crucial. But how do you determine if your website’s PageSpeed performance is fast or not? Here’s the First Input Delay that comes into the picture […]