
Serve Perfect Images for all Screen Sizes

Optimize, convert and cache images for the modern web using AVIF/WebP formats for different device resolutions.

Next-gen Format

Convert to AVIF/WebP

RabbitLoader has built-in image optimizer that converts all legacy PNG and JPEG images to the modern web AVIF and WebP formats on the fly. The next-gen images are served only to the supported browsers with a fallback to the original format for old browsers.

New formats improves the download time by ~39% without compromising the visual quality of the image.

Content Distribution

Automatic Resizing for Screens

We resize and optimize images for each screen size to improve the render time. Serving the image with right dimensions maintains the quality of the image while minimizing the download time and bandwidth consumptions.

Resource Size

Caching with CDN

All optimized images are cached on CDN nodes for faster downloads. Caching images and serving them through CDN greatly improves the latency, specially helpful for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) images on a webpage.

LCP rendering time has direct impact on the PageSpeed Insights and Core Web Vitals health.

Asset Loading

Lazy Loading

Images that are outside the visible viewport and appears later in the page are lazy loaded. Doing so ensures that we are keeping the browser free to render items that are more important and required on the viewport sooner.

This feature is supported in all browser versions.


FAQ for Image Optimization

If you're using RabbitLoader, image optimization is automatically enabled by default. No additional steps are required to activate the image optimizer.

Simply install the RabbitLoader WordPress plugin, and you're all set. All existing and new images will be automatically converted to either AVIF or WebP format, ensuring optimal display across various screen sizes like mobile, tablet, and desktop.

When you install the RabbitLoader Laravel PageSpeed Optimization Package, or SDK for custom websites, image optimizer automatically optimizes the images on your website.

RabbitLoader ensures browser compatibility for image formats by creating at least 6 optimized variants of every original image. These variants consist of AVIF and WebP formats tailored for three types of devices: mobile, tablet, and desktop. When a visitor accesses the website, RabbitLoader detects the visitor's browser and serves the most suitable variant accordingly. If a browser lacks support for any of the next-gen formats, RabbitLoader seamlessly delivers the original PNG or JPEG image through its Content Delivery Network (CDN).

The optimized images generated by RabbitLoader are stored on RabbitLoader's servers. Your web hosting server only retains the original copy of the image you've uploaded. The six variants produced by RabbitLoader are managed externally and served through a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to website visitors. This setup eliminates concerns about additional storage requirements or slowdowns, as the images are stored separately from your hosting infrastructure.

No, serving images from RabbitLoader's CDN will not negatively affect your website's SEO. When RabbitLoader serves an image, it adds a canonical HTTP header that directs back to the original image. This canonical header is recognized and respected by major search engines like Google. Therefore, RabbitLoader's image optimization service is designed to seamlessly enhance your website's performance without compromising its SEO effectiveness.

Yes, RabbitLoader's image optimizer includes lazy loading functionality. In addition to image compression, RabbitLoader defers the loading of off-screen images, contributing to faster webpage loading times. Images are loaded only when necessary, typically just before the user begins scrolling or when the image is about to become visible on the page. This helps optimize website performance by minimizing unnecessary resource consumption.

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