Image Optimization

3 Exclusive Easy Ways to Defer Offscreen Images and Videos to Load Pages Faster

Offscreen images or videos are the ones that are positioned outside of the user's screen and hence can be loaded with a suitable delay. This technique is called "lazy" or "defer" loading

3 Popular ways of compressing images for the modern Web

According to a report, of all the web page traffic, 65% of bandwidth is consumed by images during a load of a typical web page. This makes us realize how important it is to optimize the image size while maintaining its quality. Let’s see what choices we have to serve these images and photos. One […]

How to Fix Efficiently Encode Images Warning

“Efficiently Encode Images” is one of the most common warnings triggered by Google PageSpeed Insights when you audit your website’s performance. Efficiently Encode Images warning indicates your images need to be optimized better. Let’s explain the meaning of the Efficiently Encode Images warning in detail and the importance of optimized images on your WordPress website. […]

Imagify Vs RabbitLoader: Which One You Should Use To Improve PageSpeed

When optimizing images on your WordPress website, the first plugin that comes to mind is Imagify. Since 2016, this plugin has been used to optimize large images on a WordPress site.  Several alternative PageSpeed performance optimization plugins are now available in WordPress. RabbitLoader is one of them, and it is popular for increasing your WordPress […]

Serve Images In Next-Gen Formats: How To Fix the Google PSI Warning?

Serve images in Next-Gen Formats, one of the most common Google PageSpeed Insights warnings you might come across while auditing your website’s performance. Google recommends you to serve the images on your website in WebP & AVIF reduce the page size without losing image quality. Let’s understand the meaning of the Google PSI warning and […]