Tag: Minify CSS

How To Minify CSS To Improve The PageSpeed Performance by 10%

Google PageSpeed Insights suggests you need to minify CSS to improve a website’s PageSpeed performance. As a website owner or technical SEO expert, when you come across the “minify CSS” suggestion during performance auditing Google PSI, you think it may require extensive CSS knowledge (it’s also true unless you use RabbitLoader) and avoid it, which […]

How To Minify Resources (CSS, JavaScript, And HTML) Easily

Minify resources such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML does improve WordPress website’s page speed score, but can you do it on your entire website? During the audit of your website’s pagespeed performance in Google PageSpeed Insights, you often notice the most common warnings: “Minify CSS” and “Minify JavaScript”.   It is probably the easiest of the […]