Why Set wp-config.php to Writable is Essential for Your WordPress Site

If you’re working with a WordPress site, then you may have encountered an error that says, “wp-config.php is not writable.” This error message means that the file cannot be edited or modified, which can be a frustrating issue to deal with. Fortunately, there’s a solution that can help you fix this problem.

The wp-config.php file is an important file in your WordPress installation. It contains all the essential settings for your website, such as the database credentials, site URL, security keys, and more. When you install WordPress, the wp-config.php file is created automatically, and it’s usually set to read-only by default to prevent any unauthorized access.

Set wp-config.php to Writable

However, if you want to make changes to your website, such as installing a new plugin or theme, you’ll need to modify the wp-config.php file. This is where the set wp-config.php to writable error comes in. If the file is set to read-only, you won’t be able to modify it, which can cause problems for your website.

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What is the wp-config.php file in WordPress?

The wp-config.php file is a crucial file in your WordPress installation, containing essential settings for your website, such as the database credentials, site URL, security keys, and more.

Why do I get the “wp-config.php is not writable” error message?

This error message appears when you don’t have permission to set wp-config.php to writable. WordPress sets the file permissions for this file to read-only by default, allowing only the owner of the file to modify it.

Can I set the wp-config.php file permissions to 777 to make it writable?

No, it is not recommended to set the wp-config.php file permissions to 777 as it would allow anyone to read, write, and execute the file. This can pose a significant security risk, as hackers can easily access and modify the file. It is best to set the file permissions to 644 or 640 after making the necessary changes to ensure the security of your website.

What other files or directories in WordPress should I set to writable?

Generally, you should only set the wp-config.php file to writable. Setting other files or directories to writable can also pose a security risk. However, there may be some exceptions where certain plugins or themes require write access to specific files or directories. In such cases, it is best to check the documentation of the plugin or theme for specific instructions.

What does the “wp-config.php is not writable” error mean?

When managing a WordPress website, it’s not uncommon to encounter errors. One of the most common errors that WordPress users come across is the “wp-config.php is not writable” error message. This error message can be confusing, especially for new WordPress users who may not be familiar with how the WordPress file system works.

Essentially, this error message means that you do not have permission to modify the set wp-config.php to writable file. The wp-config.php file is a crucial file in your WordPress installation, as it contains important settings, such as database credentials and authentication keys.

Without the ability to modify this file, you may be unable to make necessary changes to your website, which can lead to issues with functionality or security.

wp config error

When you encounter the “wp-config.php is not writable” error message, it’s typically because WordPress sets the file permissions for this file to read-only by default. This means that only the owner of the file can modify it. If you try to make changes to the file without the proper permissions, you will receive an error message.

To resolve this issue, you will need to change the file permissions to allow you to modify the file. You can do this by accessing your website’s files through an FTP client or file manager and locating the wp-config.php file. Right-click on the file and select “File Permissions” or “chmod” depending on the FTP client or file manager you are using.

You will then need to set the file permissions to allow you to modify the file. In most cases, setting the file permissions to 644 should be sufficient.

It’s important to note that changing the file permissions of the wp-config.php file to allow anyone to modify it can pose a significant security risk. This file contains sensitive information, and allowing anyone to modify it can give hackers access to your website’s data. Therefore, it’s crucial to revert the file permissions back to read-only after making the necessary changes to the file.

php,Set wp-config.php to Writable

How to Set wp-config.php to Writable?

To set wp-config.php to writable, you’ll need to change its file permissions. File permissions are a set of rules that determine who can read, write, and execute a file. By default, the wp-config.php file is set to 644 permissions, which means that the owner can read and write the file, while everyone else can only read it.

To change the file permissions, you can use an FTP client or a file manager in your web hosting control panel. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Open your FTP client or file manager and navigate to the directory where your WordPress installation is located.

Step 2: Find the wp-config.php file and right-click on it. Select “File Permissions” or “Change Permissions” from the context menu.

Step 3: In the Permissions dialogue box, change the file permissions to 666. This will allow everyone to read and write the file. Alternatively, you can set the permissions to 664, which allows only the owner and the group to read and write the file, but not others.

Step 4: Click on the “Apply” or “Save” button to save the changes.

Note: Remember to set the file permissions back to 644 or 640 after you have made your changes to ensure the security of your website.

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What should I do if I am still unable to modify the set wp-config.php to writable file after changing the file permissions?

If you are still unable to modify the set wp-config.php to writable file after changing the file permissions, it could be due to other factors such as file ownership or server configuration. In such cases, you may need to contact your web hosting provider for assistance.

Set wp-config.php to Writable

Why is it Essential to Set wp-config.php to Writable?

It’s essential to set wp-config.php to writable because it allows you to make changes to your website’s settings, such as adding new database credentials or changing the site URL. Without the ability to modify the set wp-config.php to writable file, you won’t be able to make changes to your website, which can cause problems, such as preventing you from installing new plugins or themes.

It’s important to note that changing the file permissions to allow everyone to read and write the set wp-config.php to writable can be a security risk. Anyone who has access to the file can make changes to your website’s settings, which can compromise your site’s security. Therefore, it’s crucial to set the file permissions back to read-only after you have made your changes to ensure the security of your website.

Without the ability to set wp-config.php to writable, you may encounter issues such as not being able to install new plugins or themes, which can limit your website’s functionality. This can also cause problems when troubleshooting issues with your website, as you won’t be able to make any necessary changes to the file.

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However, changing the file permissions to allow everyone to read and set wp-config.php to writable can also pose a security risk. Anyone who has access to the file can make changes to your website’s settings, which can compromise your site’s security. For example, someone could potentially change the database credentials, allowing them access to sensitive information on your website.

Therefore, it’s crucial to set the file permissions back to read-only after you have made your changes to ensure the security of your website. This will prevent anyone from making unauthorized changes to the file and compromising your website’s security.

In summary, set wp-config.php to writable is essential to make changes to your website’s settings, but it’s crucial to set the file permissions back to read-only after you’ve made your changes to protect your website’s security. By following these steps, you can ensure that your website remains secure while still allowing you to make necessary modifications to set wp-config.php to writable.


In conclusion, set wp-config.php to writable is a necessary step when managing a WordPress website. This file contains essential settings that can impact your site’s functionality and security, so being able to modify it is crucial.

However, it’s important to note that changing the file permissions to allow everyone to read and write the file can be a significant security risk. It’s crucial to set the file permissions back to read-only after making necessary changes to ensure the security of your website.

By following these steps and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure that your website remains secure while still allowing you to make necessary modifications to the set wp-config.php to writable file.