
Compare PageSpeed performance before and after RabbitLoader

When you start using RabbitLoader, accessing any URL of your website will load the optimized version of the page if it exists. The optimized page has the benefits of a healthy Core Web Vitals score which includes key areas like First Contentful Paint (FCP), First Input Delay (FID), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift […]

Enable/disable defer loading of CSS

CSS plays a pivotal role in crafting the aesthetic appeal of webpages, encompassing elements such as fonts, colors, and spacing. In the realm of content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, where themes are frequently employed, styling definitions are often dispersed across multiple CSS files, tailored to their specific application and placement within the website. Additionally, […]

Enable/disable defer loading of JavaScript

JavaScript is present in almost all modern websites to add interactivity to users and control the webpage dynamically. Though it plays a very important role on any website, it may not be a critical piece in the first place when we talk about resource loading. After all, it’s important for any website owner to engage […]

Enable/disable lazy loading of AdSense, AdThrive ads and Analytics

In this post, we will see how to lazy load ads if you are monetizing your website with any advertisement programs such as AdThrive, Google Adsense, JoinAds, Mediavine, or a similar one. Usually, these programs make use of some JavaScript piece of code to load ads when the page is loaded. Since these advertisement networks […]

Enable/disable lazy loading of web fonts and icons

Web fonts are a great way to add beautiful typography to a website. There are hundreds of free and licensed fonts available on the platforms such as Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, and many more. These platforms host the font which can be directly used on any webpage via CSS import or via JavaScript. Though web […]