Image, Slider & Video

Choosing performance trade-off when using sliders

A slider makes a page beautiful with better appealing visuals and can impress your clients. It has a cost though in terms of resources it consumes to load and render itself. RabbitLoader provides two options to control the behavior of slider rendering so you can easily choose what is best for your website. Context Almost […]

Enable/disable image optimization and auto-conversion to WebP/AVIF

RabbitLoader has a built-in feature to convert and serve images in WebP/AVIF format wherever supported. The conversion to WebP and AVIF happens only if the source file is compatible and the visitor’s browser supports it. In one of our blog posts, we discussed the benefits of using WebP image format. If you turn off this […]

Enable/Disable lazy loading of Videos

While YouTube videos and other iframes are optimized and lazy-loaded by default when using Rabbit Loader, Vimeo videos are not lazy-loaded unless you turn them on. This is done because Vimeo provides additional security features which restrict video viewing on Safari browsers. Enable/Disable lazy loading Go to Settings -> Page Rules on your account. Click […]

Exclude images/iframes from lazy loading

When a webpage is loaded, all referenced assets are also loaded before the page’s content becomes visible in the browser. But if you see it, for images and videos it’s not necessary to load them if they are positioned outside the visible area unless the visitor scrolls and reaches a position when loading the image […]