Enable/disable code minification for HTML, CSS and JavaScript

When a programming code is written by developers, it typically consists of proper formatting and indentation to keep it readable, multiple comments to recall things later, and long but meaningful variable names which make sense in the codebase to connect the logic. All of these practices increase the overall size of the code but are important to follow.

When the code is deployed on a live website, things that are important for developers don’t make any sense to the users. And when your users are spending more bandwidth and time to load the larger uncompressed files such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, it slows down the website loading time.

While most of the JavaScript library and CSS theme files are compressed during production releases, there are many things that are not optimized.

The issue with platforms like WordPress

HTML generated using WordPress CMS by default contains lots of spaces, indentation markers, and comments increasing the overall byte size of the webpage.

Rabbit Loader detects the scope of size reduction and does that effectively. We strongly recommend keeping the minifications on. But, if you wish to turn it on or off, can do it by following the below steps.

Toggle Minification


If you are using Rabbit Loader, most probably there are already some page rules set up in advance to control the optimization behavior. If you are not familiar with it, please read the page rules introduction first.

Head on to Settings->Page Rules on the Rabbit Loader account page. Click on the modify button for the page rule you want to modify. If you want this new setting to be effective for the entire website, choose the ‘*’ rule.

Edit Page Rule

Step 2

A page rule is a multi-step form. Please click on the “Next” button until you arrive at the related step. Under the relevant section, you will see a checkbox to keep the minification active. Just check or uncheck them and hit the save button.


Step 3

After you change any page rule, make sure to purge the cache if you want the changes with immediate effect.