A Case Study Of Pmmodiyojana.in: How to score a perfect 100 on Google PSI Test.

This case study examines the impact of using RabbitLoader on the PageSpeed performance of a pmmodiyojana.in. 

The website is dedicated to promoting awareness of schemes launched by the government of India under the name of its current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. 

Pm Modi Yojona Case Study

As the top non-government website promoting schemes launched for the masses in a heavily populous country, pmmodiyojana.in receives an envious number of pageviews each day.

The Challange:

Prior to implementing the RabbitLoader WordPress plugin the webmaster of the website tried a series of plugins and optimization tools to improve the performance of the website.

But being a website with 4687 pages comes with a new set of challenges because of its scale & the massive amount of traffic it receives each day.

Before installing RabbitLoader, the website’s PageSpeed score was moderate, both in the mobile and desktop versions. However, the webmaster felt a better PageSpeed score might help the website further boost its traffic.

RabbitLoader’s Impact On Pagespeed Performance 

After installing the RabbitLoader plugin on the website it improved the PageSpeed score for the home page almost instantly & over time optimized all 4000 plug pages of the website.


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To better understand the difference, we can check the PageSpeed performance of pmmodiyojana.in before and after optimizing the website by using RabbitLoader.

PageSpeed Score Without RabbitLoader

Let’s see the PageSpeed score of pmmodiyojana.in without implementing RabbitLoader.

 We can still check this website’s Pagespeed score for unoptimized pages by appending ?norl at the end of any URL and adding it to the Google PSI test.

Before using the RabbitLoader the home page of the website didn’t score well in the Google PageSpeed Insights test, achieving only a poor 52 for the mobile version and 70 for the desktop version.

Without RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On Mobile:

Pm Modi Yojona Case Study, Without RL Mobile

Without RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On Desktop:

Without RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On desktop

PageSpeed Score With RabbitLoader

After installing the RabbitLoader WordPress plugin, the mobile version’s page speed score jumped from a moderate 52 to a whopping 95. 

But here’s the kicker: the desktop version’s page Speed score is a perfect 100.

With RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On Mobile:

With RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On mobile

With RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On Desktop:

With RabbitLoader Google PageSpeed Insights Score On Desktop:

As a result, pmmodiyojana.in passes the core web vitals assessment for both mobile and desktop versions.  

Mobile Version:

CWV Pass on Mobile

Desktop Version:

CWV Pass on Desktop

How Did RabbitLoader Help Achieve a Perfect 100 on the PageSpeed Test?

Let’s explore the role of RabbitLoader’s optimization features in order to achieve the perfect PageSpeed score.

Image Optimization:

The pmmodiyojana.in has thousands of images. Therefore, manually optimizing these images would have required a lot of time. RabitLoader automatically optimes all the images in the website by converting them to the images into next-gen formats such as AVIF or WebP formats.  

Image Optimization

By converting images into these two modern Web formats, RabbitLoader reduces the size of the image file without compromising the image quality. This is known as lossless compression.

CSS Optimization:

RabbitLoader optimizes the CSS files with two optimization techniques: CSS minification and generating critical CSS files. 

  • CSS Minification

RabbitLoader removes unnecessary characters such as white spaces, line breaks, and comments and reduces the file size. This minification would help this web page improve its core web vitals performance.

CSS Optimization
  • Generating CSS File

Most optimization tools and plugins do not offer Critical CSS generation, which is a crucial factor if you wish to achieve a PagePeed score above 90.

By generating CSS files for each page of the website, RabbitLoader improved the PageSpeed score of pmmodiyojana.in

In the above image, RabbitLoader optimized the CSS file for 4687 pages. 

Before optimizing the CSS the page size was 163.8 KB. 

After installing RabbitLoader, the pase size became 14.4 KB.RabbitLoader improved the page size by 91% and reduced the average rendering time from 931 ms to just 168.9 ms.

Business Impact of RabbitLoader

Page Views Improvement

Every webmaster’s goal is to improve their key metrics and the bottom line. For pmmodiyojana, the most important metric is pageviews, as it relies upon advertisement as the source of revenue.

Here, you can see the improvement in traffic for the month of May. The page views improvement of almost 50%.

Now, page views and organic traffic depend on many factors, not just the PageSpeed score and the passing of the core web vitals. As a webmaster, you are always guessing what’s working, and improving PageSpeed scores would probably be the easiest and most cost-effective way to improve page views.


When you are optimizing a website that has well over a million visits, almost all the services you would be using would burn a hole in your pocket. 

Using ten different plugins would cost a great deal of money, whereas, with RabbitLoader, you pay only for one tool for all your optimization needs.

RabbitLoader does everything needed for an optimized website, including the following,

  • Browser Caching.
  • Image Optimization.
  • CSS Optimization.
  • Javascript Optimization.
  • Lazy Loading.
  • Compression.
  • Minification.
  • CDN.

Since RabbitLoader doesn’t need coding or an “expert”, you save on any expert or development fee that you have to bear otherwise.


pmmodiyojana.in a website with 1.3 million pageviews a month improved its PageSpeed from from 70 to a perfect 100 for the desktop & 52 to 95 for the mobile version by installing the RabbitLoader WordPress plugin and increasing the page view from  40-45 thousand to 60-65 thousand a day.

Try RabbitLoader for free now.


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Improving PageSpeed Performance Of WordPress Website: A Case Study Of Lifetimo.Com

This case study examines the impact of the RabbitLoader WordPress plugin on the website lifetimo.com, we would explore the performance & business-related improvements achieved by lifetimo.com after using RabbitLoader.

Case study of Lifetimo.com

Lifetimo.com is a leading online platform with 6000+ pages that offers subscription-based software tools to their users.

The Challenges

One of the challenges any website of its size faces is to achieve a desirable PageSpeed score, especially when you are dealing with high resolution images & thousands of pages.

Before optimizing the lifetimo.com website with the RabbitLoader, it failed the PageSpeed test for the mobile version and only managed to achieve a moderate score for the desktop version. 

The Improvement of PageSpeed Score After Using RabbitLoader 

After installing RabbitLoader for the website’s PageSpeed optimization, it optimized all its 6000+ pages and improved the PageSpeed Insights score as well as the performance of the core web vitals metrics of lifetimo.com. 


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For a better understanding of the improvements made by RabbitLoader, we checked the home page of lifetimo.com before and after installing the RabbiLoader plugin. 

Pagespeed Score Before Installing RabbitLoader

Before optimizing the website with RabbitLoader, the PageSpeed score was poor for mobile mode. Lifetime.com only scored a poultry 36 out of 100. As per Google PageSpeed guidelines. a website with below 50 scores would be considered a failure in the Google PSI test. 

Without RL Mobile performance score

If you wish to check the performance of the unoptimized version of the website, enter lifetimo.com/?norl in the Google PageSpeed insights.

The PageSpeed score for the desktop version was comparatively better, but it just fell short of receiving the pass marks in google PSI 88 out of 100. 

Without RL Desktop performance score

PageSpeed Score After Installing RabbitLoader

After optimizing the PageSpeed performance of the lifetimo.com website with RabbitLoader, the mobile score jumped to 97 out of 100, which is a huge improvement considering the unoptimized version was scoring just 36.  

With RL Mobile page4speed performance score

Finally, RabbitLoader is able to achieve a near-perfect score for the desktop version which is 99 out of 100.

With RL Desktop pagespeed performance score

Let’s see a quick comparison table of the website’s performance metrics before and after optimizing it with RabbitLoader.

For the Mobile Version:

Performance metricsBefore optimizationAfter optimization 
First Contentful Paint 4.5 Seconds 2.0 Seconds 
Largest Contentful Paint10.5 Seconds 2.0 Seconds
Total Blocking Time640 Milliseconds 0 Milliseconds
Cumulative Layout Shift0.1370
Speed Index11.0 Seconds2.7 Seconds

For the Desktop Version:

Performance metricsBefore optimization After optimization 
First Contentful Paint 0.9 Seconds0.5 Seconds
Largest Contentful Paint1.2 Seconds0.5 Seconds
Total Blocking Time0 Milliseconds0 Milliseconds
Cumulative Layout Shift0.0190
Speed Index3.5 Seconds 1.2 Seconds 

How did RabbitLoader Help Lifetimo.com Achieve a Near-Perfect Score on the PageSpeed Test?

Let’s explore how RabbitLoader optimized the website in order to achieve a near-perfect PageSpeed score in Google PageSpeed Insights and help lifetime.com deliver a seamless user experience.

Image Optimization

Adding thousands of images to lifetimo.com typically slows down the PageSpeed performance. Manually optimizing these images one by one is practically impossible.

lifetimo image optimization

After installing RabbitLoader, it automatically optimized all the images by converting them into Next-gen Formats such as AVIF or WebP.  

CSS Optimization

RabbitLoader optimizes the CSS file with three strategies which include CSS minification, unused CSS removal, and critical CSS generation. 

  • CSS Minification

By removing the line breaks, white space, and extra comments from CSS stylesheets  RabbitLoader reduces the total page size, improving the performance of the core web vitals. 

  • Remove unused CSS

Many CSS rules may be defined in stylesheets but not utilized in the website’s design. This type of CSS rule is known as unused CSS and is responsible for increasing the loading time. 

Case study Lifetimo reduce unused css

RabbitLoader removed the unused CSS that are not necessary for lifetimo.com, from the optimized version version of the webpages, vehicle the actual css files remain the same in the origin server or the hosting account.

View Also: Lazy Load Background Images

  • Generate critical CSS

Generating critical CSS is one of the most important techniques for a website’s PageSpeed optimization. While most optimization tools aren’t not capable of the same, RabbitLoader generates a separate file for critical CSS.

By generating critical CSS for 6000+ web pages of lifetimo.com, RabbitLoader is able to achieve this near perfect PageSpeed performance score in Google PSI.

Let’s see a quick comparison table of the improvement before and after optimizing the CSS file with RabbitLoader. 

CSS file size1.8 MB70.5 kb
Average rendering time8931.4 ms436.4 ms

Business Impact Of Using RabbitLoader

Cost Effectiveness 

Using ten different WordPress plugins to implement all the necessary performance optimization would cost a considerable amount of money for a website of this size.

By using RabbitLoader lifetime.com just needed to pay for only one optimization tool. Allowing them to save the investment & use it for other promotional purposes.

A lot of WordPress websites use different plugins for a single performance related optimization feature that end up making the website heave & create conflicts which can actually lead to a decrease in the PageSpeed performance. 

RabbitLoader does everything a website need for performance optimization, here a list of the optimization techniques RabbitLoader implemented on lifetimo.com to help it improve google PSI & pass the Core Web Vital test.

  • Convert all images into WebP and AVIF format.
  • Lazy Load below-the-fold images.
  • Create a separate file for critical CSS.
  • Minify the scripting file and stylesheets.
  • Reduce network latency by using it’s Premium CDN.
  • Implement an advanced browser caching mechanism.
  • Defer the non-critical JavaScript function.

Another advantage of RabbitLoader is that it does not demand any technical expertise. Therefore, it would also save the web development cost.  

Page Views Improvement

Increasing the PageSpeed performance of lifetimo.com most probably had an impact of its organic ranking and the traffic. 

While the increase in traffic cannot be solely credited to PageSpeed related improvements, the boost in Google PSI score did significantly help improve the organic traffic of the website. 

Here is the traffic graph of lifetimo.com from SEMRush shows you the improvement in the traffic, that is from 742 in July 2023 to almost 3k by the end of March 2024.

Organic traffic on semrush

Result Overview 

Lifetimo.com is a leading platform for software tools with 3K page views (according to SEMRush data). 

Before using RabbitLoader, the PageSpeed score was poor for the mobile version it was only 36 out of 100, and for the desktop version, it was a respectable 88 out of 100. 

RabbitLoader managed to increase this PageSpeed score to a near-perfect score for both versions. The mobile version’s PageSpeed score became 97, and the desktop version’s score became 99. 

During the period lifetimo.com used the RabbitLoader plugins their traffic increased to 3K from  just 742 previously. 

If you are also struggling with a poor score, optimize your website’s PageSpeed performance with RabbitLoader now.


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Boosting PageSpeed Performance: A Case Study Of Jnmwebcreations.com 

This case study examines the improvement in PageSpeed performance of jnmwebcreations.com after optimizing with the WordPress plugin RabbitLoader. jnmwebcreations.com is a leading website that offers services such as search engine optimization, web design, training, content creation, maintenance, and hosting.  

The Challenges: 

It’s difficult for any WordPress website to achieve a near-perfect Google PageSpeed Insights score without properly optimizing the website. Where PageSpeed builds an initial impression of your website to the user, a poor PageSpeed performance of jnmwebcreations.com might harm the user experience which negatively impacts the conversion rate and SEO rankings.  

JNM Case Study Banner, jnmwebcreations

Before installing RabbitLoader for website optimization, jnmwebcreations.com failed the PageSpeed performance score for the mobile version and was able to manage a moderate PageSpeed score for the desktop version.

The Improvement Of PageSpeed Score After Using RabbitLoader

By optimizing all pages, RabbitLoader significantly improves jnmwebcreations.com’s PageSpeed performance. To measure the improvement in the PageSpeed score, we checked the performance before and after installing RabbitLoader.


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The PageSpeed Performance Before Using RabbitLoader 

Before optimizing the website with RabbitLoader, the PageSpeed score was pathetic for the mobile version. it was just 18, which indicates the website failed the PageSpeed test in Google PageSpeed Insights

Without RL Mobile of jnmwebcreations

For the desktop version, the website is able to achieve a manageable score of 69 out of 100. However, to provide a better experience to the user, the score needs to be improved. 

Without RL Desktop of jnmwebcreations

Let’s see the performance of the key metrics for both mobile and desktop versions before optimizing the website with RabbitLoader.

Key metricsFor mobile version For desktop version 
FCP3.3 Seconds0.8 Seconds 
LCP10.7 Seconds1.4 Seconds 
TBT2630 Milliseconds90 Milliseconds 
SI8.2 Seconds3.1 Seconds 

The PageSpeed Performance After Using RabbitLoader

After optimizing the website with the WordPress plugin RabbitLoader, the PageSpeed score significantly improved. For the mobile version, the score increased to a near-perfect score of 96 from 18, an achievable improvement.  

With RL Mobile of jnmwebcreations

For the desktop version, the score jumped to 98 from 69. 

WEith RL Desktop of jnmwebcreations

Let’s see the performance of the key metrics for both versions after optimizing the website with RabbitLoader.

Key metricsFor mobile version For desktop version 
FCP1.9 Seconds0.5 Seconds 
LCP2.2 Seconds0.8 Seconds 
TBT0 Milliseconds0 Milliseconds 
SI3.8 Seconds1.4 Seconds 

How Does RabbitLoader Achieve A Near-Perfect PageSpeed Score?

Let’s see how RabbitLoader was able to achieve a near-perfect PageSpeed score in Google PageSpeed Insights. 

  • Reduce The Image Size

By adding high-quality images, the jnmwebcreations.com slowed the loading time. RabbitLoader reduced the image file size without harming its original quality by converting it into next-gen format. This type of conversion is known as lossless compression.

  • Optimize CSS File

Without generating critical CSS, achieving a good PageSpeed score is difficult. However, most optimization tools are unable to generate this. RabbitLoader generated critical CSS for  jnmwebcreations.com and improved the page size by 97%.  

Css optimization

Let’s see the improvement after optimizing the CSS file.

CSS file size1.3 MB34.6 kb
Average rendering time6324.8 ms265.0 ms
  • Implement Lazy Loading For Below-The-Fold Images

Lazy loading is another effective optimization technique to speed up any website. RabbitLoader implemented a lazy loading technique for deferring the below-the-fold images of jnmwebcreations.com, reducing the initial server response time. 

  • Optimize JavaScript File 

JavaScript files are generally considered render-blocking resources. RabbitLoader deferred the JavaScript files of jnmwebcreations.com, which are not required for initial loading. This eliminated the render-blocking resources and improved the PageSpeed performance.

JS optimization

How RabbitLoader Positively Affects The Business?

Using different WordPress plugins for PageSpeed optimization purposes might cost a considerable amount of money. By using RabbitLoader,  jnmwebcreations.com only needed to pay for one optimization tool. 

RabbitLoader implemented every optimization strategy that is needed in order to boost the Google PageSpeed Insights score and improve the performance of core web vitals of  jnmwebcreations.com which includes:

  • Losslessly compressing all images by converting them into modern WebP and AVIF format.
  • Deferring below-the-fold images by implementing lazy loading.
  • Compressing the resource files: HTML, CSS, and scripting files.
  • Reducing page size by removing line breaks, white spaces, and extra comments from stylesheets and scripting language.
  • Reducing latency by distributing the static content in the proxy servers which are available in its premium CDN. 
  • Implement an advanced browser caching mechanism to ensure the cached contents are always up-to-date. 
  • By generating a critical CSS, RabbitLoder improved the performance of RabbitLoader. 

RabbitLoader provided a non-technical solution. Therefore, using RabbitLoader  jnmwebcreations.com saved the web development cost. 


jnmwebcreations.com is a leading website that offers different services like website design, content creation,  training, voice & branding, and others. 

Before optimizing RabbitLoader, jnmwebcreations.com’s PageSpeed score was poor: 18 for mobile mode and moderate: 69 for desktop mode.  

After installing RabbitLoader for optimization purposes, jnmwebcreations.com improved the performance of core web vitals and achieved a near-perfect PageSpeed score for both the mobile and desktop versions. The PageSpeed score jumped to 96 from 18 for the mobile version and 98 from 69 for the desktop version.  

So, if you are struggling with a poor Google PageSpeed Insights Score, Install RabbitLoader and optimize your PageSpeed performance.


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Improve PageSpeed Performance of WordPress Website With RabbitLoader: A Case Study On Simply-Station.de

This case study examines the improvement in the PageSpeed performance of a WordPress website, simply-station.de, after it was optimized with the RabbitLoader plugin. Simply-station.de is a German website that offers a wide range of eye care products.

The Challenges Before Using RabbitLoader:

It’s challenging for any website to achieve a desirable score in Google PageSpeed Insights without properly optimizing all its pages with various optimization techniques. While PageSpeed is an essential factor for a website, having a poor PageSpeed score can negatively affect the user experience as well as Google’s ranking.

Simply-station de website banner

Before optimizing the simply-station.de website with RabbitLoader, the PageSpeed score was poor for both mobile and desktop devices, which negatively impacted its organic rankings.

To mitigate this issue, simply-station.de optimized its PageSpeed performance with RabbitLoader. Let’s see the impact of RabbitLoader on PageSpeed’s performance and business. 

The Impact Of RabbitLoader On The Pagespeed Performance

After optimizing each page of the simply-station.de website, RabbitLoader significantly boosted the Google PageSpeed score and improved the performance of the Core Web Vitals


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To better understand the PageSpeed improvement of the simply-station.de website, let us check the PageSpeed performance in Google PSI before and after optimizing the website with RabbitLoader.

The PageSpeed Score Without RabbitLoader

Before optimizing the simply-station.de website with RabbitLoader, the website failed the Google PSI test and the PageSpeed score was poor for both mobile and desktop devices. In the case of the mobile version, the PageSpeed score was just 36 out of 100, and for the desktop, it was only 58 out of 100 and the website also failed the core web vitals assessment for both versions. 

Mobile PageSpeed Score Without RabbitLoader:

Without RL mobile score

Desktop PageSpeed Score Without RabbitLoader:

Without RL desktop score

The PageSpeed Score With RabbitLoader

After installing RabbitLoader for PageSpeed optimization purposes, this website is able to achieve a near-perfect score. For the mobile version, the PageSpeed score was 98 from 36, and for the desktop, it was 99 from 58. This is an achievable improvement for a website.

Mobile PageSpeed Score With RabbitLoader:

With RL mobile score

Desktop PageSpeed Score With RabbitLoader:

With rl desktop score

How does RabbitLoader Improve PageSpeed Performance?

RabbitLoader improved the PageSpeed score to near-perfect from a poor score for this website by implementing the following techniques:

Image Optimization

The simply-station.de has a huge number of high-resolution images which negatively affected the performance of the core web vitals especially Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Contentful Paint (FCP), and Interaction to Next Pain (INP), resulting in poor Google PageSpeed Insights score. 

RabbitLoader optimized the images in two ways and improved the PageSpeed score in Google PgaeSpeed Insights:  

  • Convert All Images Into Modern Web Formats 
Case study simply-station

RabbitLoader converted all images into modern web formats such as WebP and AVIF and reduced the image size without reducing their original quality, known as lossless compression. This improved the PageSpeed performance of the simply-station.de website.

  • Implement Lazy Loading For Non-Critical Images

Implementing lazy loading for non-critical images is essential for a website that has tens of thousands of images. RabbitLoader deferred the non-critical images of simply-station.de and helped the website achieve a near-perfect PageSpeed score.  

CSS Optimization

Without optimizing the CSS file, achieving a 90+ Google PageSpeed Insights score can be challenging for a website. RabbitLoader optimized the CSS file of the simply-station.de in two ways. Let’s explore them.  

  • Create A Separate File For Critical CSS

Where most web optimization tools do not even offer to create critical CSS, RabbitLoader successfully identified and created a CSS file for the CSS styles that are present in the above-the-fold, improving the PageSpeed performance of the simply-station.de website.


Here you can see the result. The CSS file size is reduced to 40.6 KB from 1.4 MB which positively impacts the average page rendering time which is reduced to 293.7 ms from 6904.8 ms.  

  • Minify The CSS File

RabbitLoader removed the white spaces, line breaks, and comments from the CSS stylesheets and improved the PageSpeed score by reducing the CSS file size as well as the total page file size. 

Use Browser Caching

RabbitLoader implemented an efficient cache policy for this website. It stored the static content of the resources in the browser cache and ensured all content remained stable-free. It reduced the HTTP requests in the origin server and improved the PageSpeed performance. 

Use a premium CDN

RabbitLoader distributed the static content of the simply-station.de website amongst its 300+ proxy servers, which are available in its integrated CDN, reducing network latency. This helped this website improve its PageSpeed score in Google PageSpeed Insights

Minify The Resource Files   

minify all resources

RabbitLoader remove all unnecessary characters from the resource file of the simply-station.de website, significantly reducing its total page size and boosting its Google PSI score to a near-perfect score. 

The Positive Impact of RabbitLoader On Business 

As mentioned, having a good PageSpeed is essential, especially for any website. To improve the PageSpeed score, as a webmaster, you may try different web optimization plugins. 

However, simply-station.de saved its costs by installing an all-in-one optimization tool RabbitLoader which applied all optimization techniques that are essential for improving the PageSpeed performance of a website such as:

  • Bulk image optimization

  • Implement an efficient browser caching mechanism for reducing HTTP requests.

  • Using a premium CDN and distributing the static content between 300+ edge servers, reducing the latency.

  • Implementing lazy loading for non-critical resources.

  • Optimize the CSS file by generating critical CSS and removing unused CSS for the website.

  • Remove the unnecessary characters from the HTML and scripting file, and reduce the total page size.

RabbitLoader also saved the cost of the resources for web development by providing a non-coding solution. 


Simply-station.de is a German website for eye care products. Before optimizing this website with RabbitLoader, the mobile and desktop PageSpeed scores were poor: 36 for mobile and 58 for desktop.

After using RabbitLoader to optimize the website, it achieved a near-perfect PageSpeed score: 98 for mobile and 99 for desktop. 

So, if you are also trying to boost your PageSpeed score in Google PSI, it might be the perfect time to install RabbitLoader and see RabbitLoader’s magic. 


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