
Best 5 Tricks to Minimize Main Thread Work

The main thread handles user interactions, renders the UI, and executes JavaScript code. As web applications become more complex, the main thread can become overloaded, leading to poor performance, sluggishness, and an unresponsive user interface. In this post, we will discuss strategies to Minimize Main Thread Work and improve web application performance.


What is The Main Thread?

The main thread is the central processing unit of an application that handles user interactions, rendering graphics, and executing code. 

Minimize Main Thread Work

Identify Tasks That Can Be Moved Off The Main Thread:

The first strategy to Minimize Main Thread Work in web development is to identify the tasks that can be moved off the main thread. By moving these tasks to a separate thread or queue, the main thread is free to handle user interactions and other critical tasks, resulting in a more responsive and performant web application.

  1. Network Requests:

One of the most common types of tasks that can be moved off the main thread in web development is network requests. Network requests can involve communication between a client and a server, and can be time-consuming, especially if the server is slow to respond. 

In some cases, network requests can block the main thread, making the web application feel sluggish and unresponsive. 

To avoid this, you can use asynchronous programming techniques to perform network requests in the background, while the main thread handles other tasks which helps minimize main thread work.

For example, you can use the fetch API to perform network requests asynchronously in JavaScript. The fetch API allows you to make network requests and return a promise that resolves with the response thus helping to minimize main thread work. 

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    // handle data asynchronously
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error  });
  1. Heavy computation:

Another type of task that can be moved off the main thread in web development is heavy computation. Heavy computation involves performing complex mathematical calculations or data processing and can be time-consuming, especially for large data sets.

 By moving heavy computation to a separate thread, you can prevent the main thread from being blocked, resulting in a more responsive web application.

One way to move heavy computation off the main thread in web development is to use Web Workers. Web Workers allow you to run JavaScript code in a separate thread, without blocking the main thread. This allows you to perform heavy computation in the background, while the main thread handles other tasks and in the process minimize main thread work.

// Create a new Web Worker
const worker = new Worker(‘worker.js’);

// Send a message to the worker
worker.postMessage({ data });

// Handle messages from the worker
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
  const result =;
  // handle result asynchronously

  1. I/O Operations

A third type of task that can be moved off the main thread to minimize the main thread work in web development is I/O operations. I/O operations involve reading or writing data to a file or database and can be time-consuming, especially for large data sets.

 By moving I/O operations to a separate thread, you can prevent the main thread from being blocked thus helping minimize main thread work, resulting in a more responsive web application.

To move I/O operations off the main thread in web development, you can use the File API or IndexedDB API. The File API allows you to read or write data to a file asynchronously, while the IndexedDB API allows you to read or write data to a database asynchronously.

Minimize Main Thread Work,api


How can I identify tasks that can be moved off the main thread in web development to minimize main thread work?

Tasks that can be moved off the main thread in web development are typically non-UI related and can include things like network requests, heavy computation, and I/O operations.

What are some examples of tasks that can be moved off the main thread in web development?

Examples of tasks that can be moved off the main thread in web development include image processing, database operations, and API calls.

Check Also: PHP Minification

Use Asynchronous Programming Techniques:

The second strategy to minimize main thread work in web development is to use asynchronous programming techniques. By using asynchronous programming, long-running tasks can be executed without blocking the main thread, resulting in a more performant web application.

  1. Promises:

One of the most popular asynchronous programming techniques in web development is Promises. Promises allow you to execute asynchronous code in a non-blocking way, without blocking the main thread. You can create a Promise and use .then() to handle the result when it becomes available, without interrupting the main thread thus helping to Minimize Main Thread Work.

function fetchData() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => resolve(data))
      .catch(error => reject(error));

  .then(data => {
    // handle data asynchronously
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error

  1. Async/Await: 

Another popular asynchronous programming technique in web development is Async/Await. Async/Await allows you to write asynchronous code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, making it easier to read and write. 

You can use the async keyword to create an asynchronous function, and the await keyword to wait for the result of a Promise to minimize main thread work.

async function fetchData() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch(‘/api/data’);
    const data = await response.json();
    return data;
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(error);

(async function() {
  try {
    const data = await fetchData();
    // handle data asynchronously
  } catch (error) {
    // handle error

  1. Callbacks:

Finally, you can also use callbacks to write asynchronous code in web development. Callbacks allow you to execute a function after a long-running task completes, without blocking the main thread which will minimize main thread work. 

You can pass a function as a parameter to an asynchronous function, and the function will be called when the task completes.

function fetchData(callback) {
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => callback(data))
    .catch(error => callback(error));

fetchData(data => {
  // handle data asynchronously

Optimize JavaScript Performance:

The third strategy to minimize main thread work in web development is to optimize JavaScript performance. By writing efficient and optimized JavaScript code, you can reduce the amount of work the main thread has to do, resulting in a more performant web application.

  1. Use JavaScript Libraries

One way to optimize JavaScript performance in web development to minimize main thread work is to use JavaScript libraries that are optimized for performance. For example, you can use jQuery to simplify your JavaScript code and reduce the amount of work the main thread has to do. jQuery provides a simple and efficient API for manipulating the DOM and making AJAX requests, which can help reduce the amount of code you need to write.

Minimize Main Thread Work
  1. Avoid Expensive Operations

Another way to optimize JavaScript performance in web development is to avoid expensive operations. Expensive operations include things like nested loops, recursive functions, and complex mathematical calculations. By avoiding these types of operations, you can reduce the amount of work the main thread has to do thus minimize main thread work, resulting in a more performant web application.

  1. Minimize DOM Manipulation

Finally, you can optimize JavaScript performance in web development by minimizing DOM manipulation. DOM manipulation involves changing the structure or content of the web page and can be expensive in terms of performance. By minimizing DOM manipulation, you can reduce the amount of work the main thread has to do, resulting in a more responsive and performant web application.

Importance of Why to Minimize Main Thread Work for Website Speed:

Minimize main thread work is crucial for improving website speed because the main 

thread is responsible for handling user input and executing JavaScript code. The main thread is single-threaded, which means that if it’s busy executing a long task, such as a large JavaScript file, the website can become unresponsive, resulting in a poor user experience.

When the main thread is busy, the website can’t respond to user input, which can lead to input delay and slow down the website’s loading time. Additionally, long tasks on the main thread can block the rendering of the page and prevent users from seeing content until the script has finished executing.

Improving website speed requires reducing the total blocking time and speeding up the loading time of the page. Minimize Main Thread Work for developers to reduce the amount of time it takes for the page to load and improve the user experience. 

This is especially important for websites that rely on user interaction, as a slow website can discourage users from staying on the site or returning in the future.

To minimize main thread work, developers can use techniques like lazy loading, deferring JavaScript execution, and using web workers to run scripts on multiple threads. 

They can also optimize CSS and JavaScript files by minifying and removing unused code, which can reduce the size of the files and make them load faster. By implementing these techniques, developers can improve website speed and optimize for the core web vitals that Google Pagespeed Insights uses to evaluate website speed, such as speed index, cumulative layout shift, and load time.

Optimizing Main Thread Tasks:

As a web developer, you are constantly striving to create applications that are fast, responsive, and provide a great user experience. One of the most important things you can do to minimize main thread work is to optimize main thread tasks. The main thread handles user interactions, renders the UI, and executes JavaScript code. When the main thread is overworked, it can slow down your web application and create a poor user experience. By optimizing main thread tasks, you can create a more performant web application that responds quickly to user interactions and provides a better user experience thus helping minimize main thread work.

Techniques for Optimizing Main Thread Tasks

There are several techniques you can use to optimize main thread tasks in web development, including:

  1. Reducing the Frequency of Updates: 

One of the most effective ways to optimize main thread tasks is to reduce the frequency of updates. This means reducing the number of times per second that the application updates its user interface. By reducing the frequency of updates, you can decrease the workload on the main thread and create a more responsive web application.

  1. Using More Efficient Algorithms:

 Another way to optimize main thread tasks is to use more efficient algorithms. This means using algorithms that are designed to use fewer resources and execute more quickly. By using more efficient algorithms, you can reduce the workload on the main thread and improve the performance of your web application.

  1. Using Lazy Loading:

 Lazy loading is a technique that allows you to defer the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed. This can help reduce the workload on the main thread and improve the performance of your web application.

Minimize Main Thread Work,lazy loading

Examples of Techniques for Optimizing Main Thread Tasks

  1. Reducing the Frequency of Updates:

 One way to reduce the frequency of updates is to use requestAnimationFrame(). This method schedules a function to run the next time the browser is ready to render a new frame.

 By using requestAnimationFrame(), you can ensure that your updates are synchronized with the browser’s rendering cycle, which can reduce the workload on the main thread and improve the performance of your web application.

  1. Using More Efficient Algorithms:

 One example of using more efficient algorithms is to use a binary search algorithm instead of a linear search algorithm.

 A binary search algorithm is faster and more efficient than a linear search algorithm, as it reduces the number of iterations required to find a particular value. By using more efficient algorithms, you can reduce the workload on the main thread and improve the performance of your web application.

  1. Using Lazy Loading: 

One example of using lazy loading is to defer the loading of images until they are visible on the screen. By using lazy loading, you can reduce the workload on the main thread and improve the performance of your web application.

To further optimize your website speed, you can use techniques like minifying CSS and using smaller JS payloads. Minifying CSS removes unused CSS and reduces the file size, making it easier and faster to load. Using smaller JS payloads reduces the loading time and improves the loading speed of your website.


Minimize Main Thread Work is essential for creating a performant web application that provides a great user experience. By reducing the frequency of updates, using more efficient algorithms, and using lazy loading, you can optimize main thread tasks and improve the performance of your web application.

To recap, some of the strategies we discussed in this post to minimize main thread work include using requestAnimationFrame() to reduce the frequency of updates, using more efficient algorithms such as binary search, and using lazy loading to defer the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed.

We encourage you to try these strategies in your own web development projects to see how they can improve the performance of your applications. By optimizing main thread tasks which helps minimize main thread work, you can create a faster, more responsive web application that provides a better user experience.

