Category: Performance

10 Techniques to Reduce Your Initial Server Response Time

In order to reduce initial server response time of your WordPress website, you would need to implement various optimization strategies such as browser caching, minimize the HTTP requests to the origin server, use a CDN, and optimize the database to achieve a good server response time. As a website owner, you want to reduce initial […]

3 Best Plugins to Remove Unused CSS from Your WordPress Website and Improve PageSpeed.

Reduce unused CSS (previously remove unused CSS) is one of the most challenging suggestions triggered by Google PageSpeed insights when you are auditing your website’s PageSpeed performance.  What is unused CSS? And how to remove this? Unused CSS code is any CSS style or rules that you don’t need. Removing this unused CSS rule can […]

7 Powerful Strategies to Speed Up WooCommerce Store for a Better Conversion Rate

Speeding up WooCommerce stores is essential for a better conversion rate as well as SEO rankings. Speed is like money for a WooCommerce store. A slow-loading WooCommerce store can be a major annoyance for a potential customer, leading to a poor user experience as well as lost sales.   But, how can you  speed up WooCommerce […]

7 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Total Page File Size

You can reduce your total page file size in two ways: you can manually implement optimization techniques like compressing the image size, minifying your scripts and CSS stylesheets, reducing unused CSS, generating critical CSS and other performance optimization strategies if you are technically sound or you can you can save your time and effort and […]

9 Smart Techniques to Avoid Enormous Network Payloads Warnings

Are you struggling to fix the avoid enormous network payloads warning on Google PageSpeed Insights? Avoid Enormous Network Payloads is one of the most common warnings you come across when auditing your website’s page speed performance on Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse. This warning indicates you need to reduce the page size of your WordPress […]

Boost Your Website’s Pagespeed Performance With Caching Strategies

Implementing efficient caching strategies can boost the PageSpeed performance of your WordPress website by temporarily storing the static resources in the cache, which includes mechanisms such as browser caching and CDN caching. Additionally, database caching and in-memory caching mechanisms can be included on the server side to improve a website’s pageSpeed performance.    Before diving into […]

Brotli Vs Gzip Compression: Which Is Better For Website’s PageSpeed Optimization 

Brotli vs gzip compression You may wonder which data compression algorithm is more effective for website optimization. While compression plays a crucial role in a website’s PageSpeed performance, choosing a proper compression algorithm is essential for compatibility & to reach the best possible loading speed for your website. To clear out all your confusion, here […]

Cache Hit Rate: How To Calculate It And 3 Powerful Techniques To Optimize It

The cache hit rate is one of the most important metrics in cache memory. It can be calculated by dividing the amount of cache hits by the total amount of cache requests that came from the browser.  The cache hit rate is usually used to analyze cache efficiency. In other words, it determines the percentage […]

Exploring The 15 Best Google Fonts for Enhancing Your User Experience

Among approximately 1500 Google fonts, choosing the best Google fonts for your WordPress website could be a daunting aesthetic choice. But fonts do more than just enhance the aesthetics of your website, web fonts can have a huge impact on your PageSpeed score & Core Web Vitals too. Hence spending some time to research the […]

Fix  The Largest Contentful Paint Element Suggestion With The 7 Powerful Strategies

Fixing one of the most familiar Google PageSpeed Insights warnings, the “Largest Contentful Paint Element” can significantly improve the website’s PageSpeed performance and enhance the user experience.  But what is the Largest Contentful Paint element and how does it impact a website’s PageSpeed performance? Here, we will discuss every minor detail of the warning “Largest […]

Fix The Google PageSpeed Insights Warning Serve Static Assets With An Efficient Cache Policy with RabbitLoader

To fix the serve static assets with an efficient cache policy warning, you can either add the cache control headers manually after identifying the static resources or use an optimization plugin like RabbitLoader to fix this Google PageSpeed Insights warning. One of the most common warnings: “Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy”,  you […]

Google Pagespeed Insights: The Ultimate Guide To Boost Your Pagespeed With The 7 Most Powerful Strategies

Are you struggling with a low pagespeed insights score?  A low pagespeed score often leads to poor user experience which in turn results in a low conversion rate & lower SEO rankings. Don’t worry! You are not alone. A lot of website owners are struggling to improve their pagespeed insights score. Let’s discuss the pagespeed […]

GTmetrix: How to Analyze Your Website’s PageSpeed Performance and Interpret the GTmetrix Report

GTmetrix is a popular tool for analyzing your website’s pagespeed performance. Google considers pagespeed as an important ranking factor in its algorithm. Thus, every website owner should measure and improve pagespeed of their website. Here GTmetrix comes into play to analyze your website’s pagespeed score and improve on the current performance.  What is GTmetrix? GTmetrix […]

How To Enable Text Compression To Achieve A Good PageSpeed Insights Score

When auditing a website’s PageSpeed performance, you often encounter one of the most common recommendations: “Enable text compression” in Google PSI, GTMetrix, or other PageSpeed analyzing tools to improve the website’s performance. Enabling text compression can significantly reduce the page size and speed up a website. However, due to its difficulties, most technical SEO experts […]

How To Minify Resources (CSS, JavaScript, And HTML) Easily

Minify resources such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML does improve WordPress website’s page speed score, but can you do it on your entire website? During the audit of your website’s pagespeed performance in Google PageSpeed Insights, you often notice the most common warnings: “Minify CSS” and “Minify JavaScript”.   It is probably the easiest of the […]

Improving PageSpeed Performance Of WordPress Website: A Case Study Of Lifetimo.Com

This case study examines the impact of the RabbitLoader WordPress plugin on the website, we would explore the performance & business-related improvements achieved by after using RabbitLoader. is a leading online platform with 6000+ pages that offers subscription-based software tools to their users. The Challenges:  One of the challenges any website of […]

Improving Website Performance with PHP 8.3

With many new features and bug fixes, PHP 8.3 has shown performance improvements compared to its previous versions. If you are using any of these popular frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, or CMS such as WordPress, WooCommerce, Drupal, etc, you are using PHP indirectly and upgrading to the latest version of PHP 8.3.2, […]

Lighthouse Speed Test : 5 Simple Tips on How to Improve Your Website's Performance

Google Lighthouse is a free tool that helps you analyze the quality of web pages on your website. It audits your pages for accessibility, performance, and SEO and recommends changes to improve them. Let’s assume the Lighthouse is the speedometer of a car that not only shows the car’s speed but also shows suggestions to […]

Link Preload: How to Optimize Your Website With Link Preloading for a Better User Experience

Link preload is a performance optimization technique web developers use to render their web pages faster. But what is link preload, and how should it be used? Let’s talk about what link preload is and how to optimize your website performance with link preload for a better user experience. What is Link Preload? Link preload […]

The 3 Most Powerful Ways to Boost Speed Index in Pagespeed Insights and Enhance Your User Experience

Speed Index (SI) is one of the key performance metrics that Google PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse consider to grade your website. If you are doing poorly in Pagespeed Score, SI is one of the reasons. You don’t need to worry! Many website owners are struggling with this poor speed index score. Let’s discuss the 3 […]

The 3 Powerful Techniques To Avoid Large Layout Shifts 

Are you encountering the “Avoid large layout shifts” warning while auditing the PageSpeed Performance in Google PageSpeed Insights?  You are not the only one. The “Avoid large layout shifts” is one of the most common Google PageSpeed Insights warnings that most website owners are struggling to fix. Fixing the Google PSI warning can significantly improve […]

What Are the Best Practices for Setting FetchPriority to Speed up Your Resource Loading?

The fetchpriority attribute determines the loading priority of your critical resources to the browser, enhancing your user experience and boosting the performance of your core web vital metrics. But what is fetch priority? and how can you implement this attribute in your critical resource. Let’s understand fetchpriority and explore 3 cases for setting this fetchpriority […]

What Is Critical Rendering Path And How To Optimize It?

The critical rendering path refers to the steps of converting the fundamental resource files such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML into a webpage. To improve your website performance, you need to optimize the critical rendering path by minifying resources, reducing unused CSS, Deferring JavaScript files, and using other optimization techniques. As a website owner or […]

What Is Flash Of Unstyled Text And How To Solve FOUT

Have you ever noticed Flash or Unstyled Text when loading a webpage? But what is Flash of Unstyled Text or FOUT exactly, and what can you do to resolve the flashing issue issue on your website? A Flash of Unstyled Text is observed when during loading of the a web page the pages first shows […]

What is HTTP 3.0? Exploring the key differences between HTTP 2.0 and HTTP 3.0 

HTTP 3.0 is the new standard in development that affects the server and the web browser communication, with notable upgrades for website performance, security, and reliability to provide a better user experience. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the backbone of the Internet. The most common versions are HTTP 2.0 and HTTP 3.0.  Here we will […]

WP Rocket vs RabbitLoader: Which Plugin Would Improve Your PageSpeed Score Better ?

WP Rocket is the most popular cache plugin in the WordPress ecosystem. Since 2013, WP Rocket has been leading the optimization scene for wordpress websites. But how does it compare to RabbitLoader? Here, we will see a detailed comparison between WP Rocket and RabbitLoader, explore the usability of both optimization plugins, and compare the pagespeed […]