Category: WordPress

3 Easy Ways To Preload Fonts and Boost Your Website’s Loading Speed

When it comes to a website’s PageSpeed optimization, preload fonts play a pivotal role. Web developers can implement different techniques to preload fonts to boost the website’s page speed performance.  Adding link rel=preload command to HTML file is one of the effective web optimization techniques to preload your fonts.  Along with the above technique, web […]

4 Effective Ways To Eliminate Render Blocking Resources To Improve The Pagespeed Performance

“Eliminate render-blocking resources” is one of the most common warnings you may come across while analyzing the website’s PageSpeed performance in Google PageSpeed Insights. The render-blocking resources can slow down your website’s PageSpeed and affect the Core Web Vitals. Now, you may be wondering how to solve the “Eliminate render-blocking resources” warning and improve the […]

5 Remarkably simple reasons why your WordPress website is slow

WordPress is simply software that you use to construct your own website or blog and post it on the web. It is also called Content Management System or CMS which was created in 2003 and since then it has become one of the most popular website publishing programs in the world. WordPress powers 30% of […]

7 Powerful Strategies to Speed Up WooCommerce Store for a Better Conversion Rate

Speeding up WooCommerce stores is essential for a better conversion rate as well as SEO rankings. Speed is like money for a WooCommerce store. A slow-loading WooCommerce store can be a major annoyance for a potential customer, leading to a poor user experience as well as lost sales.   But, how can you  speed up WooCommerce […]

7 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Total Page File Size

You can reduce your total page file size in two ways: you can manually implement optimization techniques like compressing the image size, minifying your scripts and CSS stylesheets, reducing unused CSS, generating critical CSS and other performance optimization strategies if you are technically sound or you can you can save your time and effort and […]

9 Smart Techniques to Avoid Enormous Network Payloads Warnings

Are you struggling to fix the avoid enormous network payloads warning on Google PageSpeed Insights? Avoid Enormous Network Payloads is one of the most common warnings you come across when auditing your website’s page speed performance on Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse. This warning indicates you need to reduce the page size of your WordPress […]

cURL Error 28 Connection Timed Out: 5 Powerful Strategies to Fix cURL Error in Your WordPress Website

If you are running a WordPress site, cURL Error 28 Connection Timed Out is one of the most common WordPress Rest API issues you might have encountered.   cURL (stands for Client URL) indicates a PHP library that permits your WordPress website to communicate with other WordPress websites. A failed rest api request or cURL Error […]

Explore 7 Most Effective Ways to Prevent HTTP 500 Error on WordPress

HTTP Error 500 (commonly known as Internal Server Error) is a general HTTP status code, indicating an issue on your WordPress web server’s side.  If your website is impacted by a 500 Internal Server Error, you must resolve it to prevent not only a bad user experience but it might result in a severe negative […]

How to Avoid an Excessive DOM Size? - 5 Easy Ways to Fix it for WordPress.

Seeing Avoid an Excessive DOM Size on your Google page speed test could be very frustrating, especially if you are not a developer yourself, as it might feel similar to deciphering an ancient text, let alone resolving the issue. There are many possible ways to Avoid an Excessive DOM Size for WordPress websites, which will […]

How To Enable Text Compression To Achieve A Good PageSpeed Insights Score

When auditing a website’s PageSpeed performance, you often encounter one of the most common recommendations: “Enable text compression” in Google PSI, GTMetrix, or other PageSpeed analyzing tools to improve the website’s performance. Enabling text compression can significantly reduce the page size and speed up a website. However, due to its difficulties, most technical SEO experts […]

How to Lazy Load Background Images To Boost Your Website’s PageSpeed 

Implementing lazy load background images is not a good idea. It can harm your PageSpeed score and your user experience as lazy loading of background images might make the website look bad.  However, If your website has a lot of images, then this lazy loading is one of the most effective optimization techniques to improve […]

How To Optimize Resource Loading To Increase Your Conversion Rate By 10% 

Have you ever tried to improve your conversion rate by optimizing your website’s resource loading? Although it’s not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of conversion rate optimization, optimizing resource loading can significantly impact the conversion rate.  To improve resource loading, you must optimize your image, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. […]

How To Set Wp-Config.Php To Writable On Your Wordpress Website?

If you are running a WordPress website, you often see the “wp-config.php is not Writable” error in your WordPress dashboard when you are trying to add any plugins or switch the theme.  But what does the “wp-config.php is not Writable” mean and how to set wp-config.php to Writable? The “wp-config.php is not Writable” error indicates […]

How To Solve Your Web Pages Shifted To The Right Issue

Have you ever faced the problem that you open a website and the web pages are shifted to the right? You are not facing the problem alone. This is one of the common issues that can be annoying for the users.  Here we will talk about the layout shifts, how you can measure it, the […]

Minify PHP: Should you do it? The Helpful Tools For it? 

You can easily minify PHP, but is there any point in doing this to optimize your website’s PageSpeed performance? Minifying PHP can’t improve the PageSpeed performance of your website, however, it can typically increase the code security. When you are minifying or uglifying the PHP code, no one can steal your idea.  Here, we will […]

Minimize Main Thread Work: 5 Effective Ways To Fix The Google PageSpeed Insight Warning

“Minimize main thread work” is the first recommendation you would have when auditing a website in Google PSI for a huge majority of websites. But what does minimizing main thread work mean? And more importantly how to mitigate the “minimize main thread work” warning? Web developers can implement various strategies to minimize main thread work, […]

Optimize Your Divi Website With Divi Lazy Loading To Boost The User Experience

Divi is one of the most popular WordPress themes right now, as a modern theme divi tries to deliver an optimised website to its buyers.  This has urged the theme maker to add a plethora of optimization features.  When you tried to set up the WordPress Divi theme for the very first time, you might […]

Quick Tips to Fix WordPress Media Library Not Loading

Is your WordPress media library not loading or displaying images properly? Media library issues mostly occur due to usage of incompatible WordPress themes and plugins or improper file permissions. You can store images, audio, video, and others in the WordPress media library. However, when the all important media library is not not working as it […]

Soft 404 Error: The 3 Most Common Causes Of Soft 404 Error and How To Fix it? 

A soft 404 error is one of the most confusing HTTP response errors. But what is the soft 404 HTTP response error exactly? A soft 404 error happens when the web page’s content is available on the server and it sends a 200 OK status, but the browser can’t find the page and expects a […]

The 7 Powerful Strategies To Fix Your Dead Slow WordPress Admin

Are you struggling with a slow WordPress admin? A slow admin dashboard is not only  frustrating but it also impacts your productivity.  Figuring out the probable reasons behind your slow WordPress admin could be a time consuming task, in this post we would help you not only find the reasons for your slow WordPress but […]

The Powerful Technique to Serve Properly Sized Images in WordPress

Mitigating one of the most common Google PageSpeed Insights warnings “properly size images” can significantly improve the performance score in Google PageSpeed Insight. Google PSI shows you this warning when images on your WordPress website are not appropriate in size. While adding images is essential to improve the user experience, using improper-sized images can cause […]

What is Cumulative Layout Shift and the Effective Ways to Optimize it to Improve the PageSpeed Score? 

Google developed the Cumulative Layout Shift metric to measure a webpage’s visual stability. In order to optimize your website’s CLS performance, you can implement strategies such as specifying the image size and optimize the web fonts.  You can do this using your coding skills, or for an effortless and non-coding solution,you can use RabbitLoader.  Have […]

What Is First Contentful Paint And How To Optimize It To Pass Core Web Vitals?

Google released First Contentful Paint (FCP) to assess a web page’s initial loading time. To improve your website’s FCP performance, you can either implement optimization strategies like using browser & CDN caching, reducing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript file size, and removing the unused CSS, or you can install the RabbitLoader performance optimization tool on […]

What Is Flash Of Unstyled Text And How To Solve FOUT

Have you ever noticed Flash or Unstyled Text when loading a webpage? But what is Flash of Unstyled Text or FOUT exactly, and what can you do to resolve the flashing issue issue on your website? A Flash of Unstyled Text is observed when during loading of the a web page the pages first shows […]

What is FOUC, and the 5 Most Effective Ways to Fix The FOUC Issue on Your WordPress Websites?

As a website owner, you often encounter FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content) issues. These issues negatively impact your website’s performance and user experience.  When you load a webpage, first you will see an unstyled webpage for a few moments instead of your actual webpage. Here we will discuss FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content), break down […]

What Is The Largest Contentful Paint And How To Optimize to Pass the Core Web Vitals. 

The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is one of the 3 pillars of the Core Web Vitals. It can be optimized in two ways: either by implementing optimization techniques such as image, CSS, and JavaScript optimization, or using an all in one  performance optimization plugin  like RabbitLoader. Prioritizing the user experience, Google have added the Largest […]

What Is Time To Interactive (TTI) & How To Optimize TTI To Improve The User Experience? 

Google engineered the Time To Interactive (TTI) metric to analyze a web page’s load responsiveness. TTI helps you to identify the time delay from when the users start loading a web page till it becomes usable for the visitor.  Every user wants a website that is easy and fast to interact with. To prioritize this […]

What Is Total Blocking Time (TBT) & How to Optimize It to Boost The PageSpeed Score?

You may have encountered the term Total Blocking Time (TBT) while analyzing your PageSpeed performance in Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. But what is Total Blocking Time? Google added this Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric to its PageSpeed & lighthouse tests to analyze the span of time when the main thread is blocked and the […]

What Is Yslow And How Do You Interpret Your Yslow Result And Strategies To Improve It?

When it comes to the website’s performance, there are many analyzing tools available. Yslow is one of the trusted online analyzing tools that provide suggestions to improve its performance. Here, we will cover every detail you need to know about Yslow, including what Yslow is, how it grades a website, and how to run a […]

WordPress Page Speed Optimization Service: Speed Up Your Website With RabbitLoader

A page speed optimization service like RabbitLoader plays a crucial role in increasing your website’s loading speed. RabbitLoader provides a managed service for website speed optimization.  If you are a website owner without a team of development resources this PageSpeed optimization managed service might just be the right one for you. The website optimization service […]

WordPress Security Checklist: How To Secure Your WordPress Website

The WordPress Security checklist, like any other check list contains a number of requirements you need to fulfill in order to reach the goal of securing your WordPress website against vulnerabilities & hacking. If you can implement all the items mentioned in this checklist your website would become virtually impossible to hack & more importantly […]